ENABLE Research & Impact Assessment

ENABLE Research

Read the Enable “Review of bullying and cyber bullying summary” summary report.

Impact Assessment

The ENABLE assessment aims to evaluate the perceptions and needs of children in participating schools and the effectiveness of the programme. The assessment is based on selected outcome measures (behaviours, attitudes and perceptions) drawn from other SEL and Peer Support programs as well outcomes specific to ENABLE lessons objectives.

SEL Outcomes

  • Increased and more accurate knowledge of what bullying is and the roles in bullying episodes
  • Increased awareness of the role of emotions on behavior and well-being
  • Increased emotional awareness
  • Increased social skills

Peer support outcomes

  • Knowledge of bullying
  • Increased and more accurate knowledge of what bullying is
  • Increased ability to differentiate different types of bullying
  • Understand the impact bullying has on a person
  • Young people feel supported at school
  • Young people feel accepted and safe at school
  • Young people know who they can talk to if they have a problem, both inside and outside of school
  • Young people know who the Peer Supporters are and what their role is within the school
  • Young people feel comfortable talking to Peer Supporters if they have a problem
  • Young people feel accepted and safe at school
  • Young people stand up to bullying
  • Young people wouldn’t stand by if they saw bullying happening
  • Young people wouldn’t encourage the bully

Data collection: Three sources of data collection will be used:

  1. A survey to collect data from teachers and students on selected outcomes/measures;
  2. Responses elicited in the context of SEL Lessons;
  3. Focus groups, the transcriptions of which will be analysed qualitatively.


Latest updates

29.02.16 - ENABLE student and teacher survey platforms are up and running in ENABLE countries. So far about 400 students and 40 teachers in UK and Greece have responded to the surveys.

29.02.16 - ENABLE focus groups with students of participating classes were launched in Greece on 5/2. The first focus groups were organized by Ambassador Eleni Papamihalaki in Petroupoli 2nd and 5th Secondary schools. In the first two groups 22 students voiced their perceptions on school bullying and violence: what caused bullying behaviors, how bullying impacts children and what kind of support is needed. Unanimous among participants was the need for support and especially peer support. The groups are conducted in schools and facilitated by Greek ENABLE partner FAH. Volunteer college students act as cofacilitators in the groups. Professor Chryssoula Karakitsou of the American College of Greece is supervising the students and the qualitative analysis.

So far eight focus groups have been conducted with 88 students.

Update from Eleni C. Tzavela, ENABLE Team, Greece

EUN Partnership AISBL | Rue de Trèves, 61 | B-1040 Brussels | Tel: +32 (0)2 790 75 75 | Fax: +32 (0)2 790 75 85 | info-enable@eun.org

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