Implementing ENABLEDownload the ENABLE Booklet, which provides an overview of the ENABLE Resource Pack for students, teachers, parents and campaigners. If you are already using ENABLE, we would love to hear from you – share your experience with us by filling in this form! ENABLE - A summary of activities: 2014–2016 Have questions? Check the Frequently Asked Questions section. For teachers
*If you intend to use the scoring feedback on Questionnaire L9R1 for students, then each question score is weighted as follows: Never 1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Often 4 Always 5 These should then correlate to the feedback score ranges identifi ed in L9R2. However, it is worth bearing in mind that these scores are neither judgemental nor defi nitive but allow students to determine whether there have been any changes to the way they have responded to the questionnaire after completing the lesson sequence. An alternative approach may be to discuss the reasons behind their responses to verbalise any changes in perspective or attitude. |
For ENABLE implementation leaders
For Staff Peer Support Lead
For Peer Supporters
For Parents/Carers
Get the full resource pack in a single zipped folder: Download
** Check out the new Parent Pack for some useful tips on how to keep you children away from bullying accidents and the impact they can have.