Registration for ENABLE Hackathon up and running!


Are you interested in coding and creating apps? Do you want to use your skills to help reduce bullying among young people? Do you fancy learning from some of the best in the tech industry? If the answer is YES, make sure you get involved in the ENABLE hackathon and you could win the chance to come and present your idea at an event in London!

The online regitration form for the ENABLE Hackathon is up and running!

We need motivated young people and mentors to team up and get involved. 

Do you still have any questions on the Hackathon?

Check this page out:

Don't lose time and sign up now!

EUN Partnership AISBL | Rue de Trèves, 61 | B-1040 Brussels | Tel: +32 (0)2 790 75 75 | Fax: +32 (0)2 790 75 85 |

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