Ballyclare High School takes part in European anti-bullying initiative


Ballyclare High School has taken part in a new programme which aims to prevent and reduce bullying in schools across Europe.

The pupils and staff at the Rashee Road school took part in the ENABLE project. This is the first pan-European collaboration between public agencies and businesses to combat bullying in learning and leisure environments.

The programme recognises how young people can influence each other's actions and behaviour. It aims to help educate young people between the ages of 11 and 14 about the issue of bullying, empowering them to make a difference in their communities.

The scheme combines social and emotional learning with peer support in a unique approach that is now being rolled out in five countries – the United Kingdom, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark and Greece.

A spokesperson from Ballyclare High said: “Initial feedback from staff and students would suggest that the most successful aspect of the pilot so far has been the impact the programme has had on opening conversations between students and staff around bullying and negative behaviour. The sessions have provided strong opportunities for the staff to challenge pre-conceptions in the students and for them to understand more about their own strength. The work on triggers was particularly successful as this provoked a range of responses from the students that led to an interesting discussion. Again, this school reported that girls appeared to find it easier to talk about emotions than the boys, but there are early signs that this is already changing.”


Originally posted on Newtownabbey Times.

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