ENABLE ambassadors prepare students to support their peers and to combat bullying


ENABLE ambassadors have started rolling out trainings in their schools with the goal of preparing students to become Peer Supporters in their community and to help prevent bullying incidents.

Deputy Headteacher at Wellington School in Trafford, UK, Mrs. E. Copeland ran the training at her school on 18 January together with ENABLE Ambassador Alistair Black who is Behaviour and Attendance Consultant for Trafford.

“On Monday, the Enable Project was launched; a European project aimed at empowering young people to deal with issues such as bullying in ECD edited picture.jpgschools. As part of the project, Year 7 had their first PSHE lesson on emotional resilience. Mrs Copeland would like to thank Mrs Taylor Crooke, Mrs Clarke and Miss Swords for their hard work in producing a fantastic scheme of work based on the Enable Project resources. Furthermore, fifty six Year 7 to Year 13 students spent the whole day in the Vale Hall receiving training to become Peer Support Mentors to support other Wellington pupils with a variety of issues. Mrs Copeland and Alistair Black, Behaviour and Attendance Consultant for Trafford, led the full day training. Mrs Copeland was extremely impressed by the students whose own experiences contributed greatly to the training. The next stage involves raising the profile of these fifty six pupils amongst the Wellington community so that any student in any year group knows that any of the Peer Mentors can be approached if support is needed in any area of school life. It was a great pleasure to present certificates to all students at the end of the day for completing level 1 training in the Enable Project and I would like to congratulate them all. Well done!”

Originally published on: www.wellington.trafford.sch.uk

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