ENABLE (European Network Against Bullying in Learning and Leisure Environments) aims to tackle bullying in a holistic way, helping young people exercise their fundamental rights in the home, school, class and community (i.e. peer group).

Using a unique approach that combines social and emotional learning (SEL) with Peer Support, the ENABLE team strives to provide school staff with the skills, knowledge and confidence that can help them establish an effective student Peer Support scheme in their schools and develop their students’ social and emotional skills.

To find out more about the project, go to About.

Stay Informed

What are the real ways you have seen bullying reduced?

OECD project leader Dr. Tracey C. Burns, a global expert on bullying, and 12 Global Teacher Bloggers respond to this question.


Registration for ENABLE Hackathon up and running!

Are you interested in coding and creating apps? Do you want to use your skills to help reduce bullying among young people? Do you fancy learning from some of the best in the tech industry? If the answer is YES, make sure you get involved in the ENABLE hackathon and you could win the chance to come and present your idea at an event in London!


Tech likely not the main problem in cyberbullying: Breakthrough study

There are some groundbreaking takeaways (and many more insights) in new research from the University of New Hampshire – "The Role of Technology in Peer Harassment: Does It Amplify Harm for Youth?".


What's the role of technology in peer harassment?

What are the features and emotional impact of peer harassment incidents based on of technology involvement? According to a new study the most distressing mix for kids is when harassment happens both online and in-person.


Upcoming ENABLE Hackathon: get involved!

Are you willing to work in teams with other young people and a mentor to reflect on bullying? Would you like to improve not only your digital skills but also your problem solving skills and creativity? The ENABLE Hackathon is for you! You will have the chance to prepare apps and tools - including videos, presentations etc. - which will be helpful to support the elimination of bullying



This project is funded
by the Daphne Programme
of the European Union
The work presented in this website has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne Programme of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of European Schoolnet and its partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.





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For more information, please contact:

EUN Partnership AISBL | Rue de Trèves, 61 | B-1040 Brussels | Tel: +32 (0)2 790 75 75 | Fax: +32 (0)2 790 75 85 | info-enable@eun.org

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